The church year has been forming the faithful in the Christian story since the church’s early days. The Fullness of Time series invites readers to explore the riches of the church year, guided by some of our finest church theologians. Each volume introduces the traditions, prayers, Scriptures, and rituals of a season of the church—not as an academic exercise, but as a reflection on the theological and spiritual treasures of the church calendar.
“This diverse group of male and female writers spans multiple church traditions, including the Anglican Church in North America, the Episcopal Church, and Black Pentecostals interested in the renewal of liturgical tradition.”
Esau McCaulley, Series Editor
The seasons of the church invite us to enact, over and over again, the gospel story. The Fullness of Time series promises to open up that story afresh to individuals, families, and churches alike seeking a deeper walk with Jesus.
“Our hope is that The Fullness of Time series introduces to some and reinvigorates in others a trust in the power of the church year to disciple and form us as followers of Jesus. The prayers, rituals, festivals, and Scriptures that mark the seasons of the year have as their goal the creation of Christians who have been changed by walking with Christ and his church through the year. The seasons provide a counter witness to the rituals, festivals, and habits of a world that are intended to shape us in its image. The liturgical year, then, is a perpetual rebellion against a culture that demands our time, attention, and our very lives. This series covering the festivals and seasons of Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, Pentecost, and Ordinary Time outlines the contours of that rebellion. These books are tools for discipleship and assertions of God’s sovereignty over time itself.” – Esau McCaulley, Series Editor

About the Series Editor
Esau McCaulley (PhD, St. Andrews) is assistant professor of New Testament at Wheaton College and a contributing opinion writer for The New York Times. He is the author of Reading While Black, Sharing in the Son’s Inheritance, and numerous articles in outlets such as Christianity Today, The Witness, and The Washington Post.